Greeting Card


This Exclusive Greeting Card “Lily – Explosion” is created from my original painting on canvas. You can send this card as a Birthday greeting, Valentine, romantic or a greeting to celebrate any other special occasion.

You can also frame this card as a picture and give it as a present.

The actual card size is 7”x 5” (17.9 cm x 12.6 cm).

These cards have been professionally printed on high quality paper.

They are brand new and come with a matching white envelope.
The cards are blank inside for your own message.

Please keep in mind that all computer monitors display colors differently, so the color of your card may differ from the image on your screen.

Watermarks are only used for the display purposes on this listing
and won’t appear on your cards.

Please allow up to 1-3 working days for processing before dispatch.

Cards will be sent by Royal Mail 1st Class “Signed For”.

Shippment to Europe / Canada is  by Royal Mail “Tracked and Signed For”, International Delivery 3-5 working days.


1 Card, 5 Cards, 10 Cards

Nadine Platt's Art Gallery and Educational Platform

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